We Buy Used Cell Phones

Welcome to 3PointCommitment.org

No Complaining
To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment

No Gossiping
A conversation involving malicious chatter or rumors about other people

No cussing
speaking vulgar, profane words

Here's how the program works:

Put any wristband on your wrist. It stays on that wrist until you complain, gossip or cuss. Move it to your other wrist when you complain, gossip or cuss and then start your seven days over. The goal is to keep it on the same wrist for 3 consecutive days by not complaining, gossiping or cussing.

To order wristbands:

Email Tom Pace (tom@pacebutler.com)

Or call (405)755-3131 ext 229

3PointCommitment Wrist Bands
Sponsored By www.PaceButler.com Buyer of Used Cell Phones